Lab accesories

Specialty gases are used in various industries to operate analytical instruments, to initiate, stabilize and avoid chemical processes and to create amplified light for hardening, marking, welding and cutting purposes. These gases are provided in highly purified form and have either flammable, toxic or corrosive properties and therefore require specific gas-regulating equipment that is leak-proof and corrosion-resistant and thus does not affect the purity, chemical properties or composition of the given gas. Pressure regulators and valves must ensure safe discharge and transportation of gases without posing any risk to users, devices or buildings. The equipment has to withstand inlet pressures of several hundred bars and must meet the highest expectations for flow and pressure stability.

Specialty-gas regulators and valves are produced from materials such stainless steel, brass or other metallic alloys. Proper surface treatment and coating, leak-proof connection technology and gas-resistant seals are the key elements of specialty-gas systems that either locally discharge gas or distribute it through pipelines to points of use in facilities and laboratories operating in the chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and other industries.
